Our project SPP, which is the German acronym for “Salz” (salt) “Pfeffer” (pepper) “Pfeife” (whistle), shows the ordering and manufacturing process of a salt and pepper shaker as well as a whistle.
The plant consists of two cells which are manufactured by AFAG. The cells are connected via a conveyor system for shuttles. In cell 105 the salt and pepper mix is filled in the shaker. In cell 110 the whistle is built.
Starting point is a central terminal where the order is made. After ordering and manually putting a shuttle on the conveyor the production process can be started by pressing a button.
The shuttle then moves to cell 105 where the salt and pepper shaker is filled via a piping system. A cap is used to close the shaker and the content gets mixed by a vibration plate. After that the finished product is put in a box on the shuttle.
The old filling process was working time-controlled. This was changed to a weight-controlled filling system. Therefore, a custom scale with attached hopper, for both salt and pepper, was built. After filling the hopper located on top of the shuttle a pneumatic cylinder opens the bottom and fills the content in the shaker.
After filling the shaker, the shuttle moves to cell 110. There the whistle is built in three steps.
At the first station the bottom half of the pipe is positioned on the shuttle.
At station 2 the ball is inserted via a piping system.
Finally the top half of the whistle is put on the bottom half.
The third station was upgraded with magazines to hold differently coloured parts, which can be selected at the terminal. A cylinder puts the chosen colour on the conveyor.
After the whistle is built the shuttle moves back to the starting point.